Thursday 19 September 2013

Beautful Bath

Stepping off the boat in Portsmouth was a bit of a shock, cool temperature and a bitter wind blowing.  The boat arrived before 7 and our train wasn't until lunch time, so we arranged to leave our bags at the ferry terminal and got a taxi to the old port area.

We found a lovely little cafe for breakfast - a proper cappuccino at last!  France does not have a clue how to do these.  One day I paid 5.50 euros and got an espresso with canned whipped cream poured over the top.

Our original plan had been to have a look at the historic port area, but we discovered next to it was a big factory direct outlet.  The only thing better than Marks and Spencer is their outlet.  We had a lovely morning purchasing clothes that were warmer than what we brought with us.  Happily gloating over our purchases, it was time for the train to Bath.  This was a leisurely two hour trip through the lovely countryside.  A short walk and we were at our apartment with the owner waiting to let us in.  It is on the first floor of one of the old buildings and very central to the main town area.  After all the bag lugging and train journeys we were all happy to sit and relax in comfort for a while.

Tuesday unfortunately Lauren and Lee lost most of.  It was time for Lee to have his wrist looked at, and after first finding a clinic that was closed, they eventually got an appointment and were then redirected to the hospital for xrays.  All is good and with the reciprocal health agreement, he was not charged at all.

Meanwhile we ventured out to explore Bath.  We walked down to the river to discover a tour boat was about to leave.  We were the only ones on it as it was just starting to rain.  However, umbrella up, we enjoyed the hour long trip.  We were lucky it was only light rain but as we left the boat it became heavier.  After lunch we walked, coats on and umbrellas up, to the main features of the town, past all the lovely old buildings.

The end of our walk was the ancient Roman Baths, and by this stage Lauren and Lee had caught up with us.  We thought it was expensive to enter until we saw what a great complex it is.  They have done a wonderful job on it and it was one of the most interesting things we have seen so far.  Deep under the streets they have excavated the Roman temple that was next to the baths.  You are given an audio guide which explains more.  The hot water still flows in and out of the pool by the original means, and we were sorry we hadn't gone earlier as we were the last to leave.

Wednesday morning we walked 40 minutes along the river to the pick up point for our rental car.  After getting a little lost, we discovered there was more than one company under the same roof, and we had walked past it.  The car is a Peugot, and we needed something with a large boot to fit all our luggage in.  We headed out into the countryside firstly visiting Lacock.  The whole village has been classified, and has been used in many movies and shows such as Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice.  We found a lovely little tea room and had to stop for scones and tea.  Lauren is keen to continue this preoccupation throughout England.

The next stop was Avebury.  We had planned on going to Stonehenge, but talking with the apartment owner, she suggested that this was much more interesting and far more accessible.  We took her advice and were glad that we did as this was a very interesting area.  It was then back for Lee's hospital appointment for his xray results.  He came back minus his wrist brace, and now only has to wear it occasionally.

Dinner was at a lovely little pub just around the corner.  Surprisingly this was quite reasonably priced compared to everything else we have come across.

It's now time to leave Bath and explore a little of the Cotswolds.

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