Sunday 25 August 2013

Siem Reap

We left Singapore this afternoon after a lovely couple of days at The Quincy.  Checkout time is midday, and even after we had checked out they offered us lunch before we left.  We declined as we were still full from breakfast.  Yesterday afternoon we tried out their pool on the 12th floor and the steam room before heading down for another happy two hours and a lovely dinner.  This morning we walked back into the main shopping area and were amazed at the huge crowds on a Sunday morning.  Our taxi driver told us Singapore being a small island, has very little for the locals to do - so they go shopping!

Looking from the bedroom through to the bathroom

The Quincy and its 12th floor pool

Changi airport rightly deserves its place as one of the world's best airports.  Not a wait anywhere and it is so clean and tidy.  We were checked in and through in record time.  Again our flight was right on time.  

Flying into Siem Reap was interesting, as everywhere seemed to be covered in water.  Maybe that has something to do with the torrential downpour we copped as soon as we left the airport.  Our tuk tuk driver was very considerate, stopping and dropping down the sides so that we didn't get wet, while meanwhile he sits out the front getting drenched.  A very different world here, especially as far as road safety goes.  No one bothers to look when they come out of a side street, and everyone just toots to let the other driver/rider know they are there.  I saw a baby standing on the passenger seat of a truck, banging his arms on the side window as the truck stalled and lurched up the street.  

Our hotel room is very nice for the princely sum of $25 a night including breakfast.  As we weren't orientated yet, we opted to have dinner here, which was very nice but Lauren was horrified to hear that Jim had to pay $2 each for a beer and a can of coke.  But when we went to pay he said they have a promotion on for the low season and we get 20 % discount, so total was only $12.  We went for a walk after dinner and found a number of bars just opposite and a restaurant where we stopped to look at their menu for a future night.  It was very extensive, including a whole page of frog done various ways.  We will probably skip that page.  

Tomorrow we start to explore the temples.  Could be a long day as we start around 7 and they were saying we come back at 6.  Hope we don't get templed out on our first day. 

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